Leisure and Culture

In addition to resting and contemplation spaces, Villa-Lobos and Cândido Portinari parks offer areas that concentrate leisure, recreation, education, and cultural activities. The parks also feature incredible attractions such as the Villa-Lobos Library, the Amphitheater, the Esplanade, two playgrounds, and much more.

Come and Explore →

Areas of Leisure and Culture

  • Amphitheater

  • Dog Space

  • Figueira Playground

  • Pergolas Square

  • Picnic Area

  • Vida Space

  • Pomar Playground

  • Vai Pela Sombra

  • Villa-Lobos Library

  • Villa-Lobos Memory

  • Playground

  • Villa Ambiental

  • Trees Circuit

  • Profª Ruth Cardoso Orchidarium (Temporarily closed)

    Temporariamente fechado
  • Accessible Playground

  • Pergola

  • Calabrone Sculpture

  • Ouvillas (Temporarily closed)

    Temporariamente fechado
  • Pomar (Orchard)

  • Birds Square

  • Elisa Bracher Sculpture

  • Uirapuru Walk

Check the map for the location of these spaces


Bicycle Rental

Operating Hours

Open every day, including holidays

From 5:30 AM to 7:00 PM (last rental at 6:00 PM)

Available Equipment

– Bikes for adults

– Bikes for children with or without training wheels

– Individual tricycle for adults and children

– Family tricycle

– Handbike (for People with Disabilities)

– Inline Skates (sizes 30 to 43)

– Quad Skates (sizes 30 to 41)

– Skateboards and Longboards

– Child seat and pet carrier

Hourly Rates


R$ 22


R$ 20

All bicycles

R$ 12

Family tricycle

R$ 35