What's allowed and what's not?

Learn about the rules of our parks to make your visit as enjoyable as possible for everyone.


  • Mistreat or abandon domestic or wild animals, use animals to disturb native fauna or other users’ animals;
  • Set up tents or any similar structures, tables, chairs, umbrellas, dance structures, or other types of infrastructure in the park premises, except in exceptional cases analyzed and authorized by the administration;
  • Travel through demarcated areas such as natural recovery zones or others with restricted access;
  • Enter with motorized and electric vehicles inside the park, such as scooters, bicycles, electric motorcycles, and similar, except for personal mobility devices;
  • Park in unauthorized areas or in preferential parking spaces without proper entitlement;
  • Use areas or equipment for purposes other than their intended use or not in accordance with the designated age group;
  • Throw or deposit waste outside the appropriate trash bins, respecting the implemented selective waste collection;
  • Enter the park through locations other than the official entrances;
  • Enter or remain in the park carrying firearms, weapons, or similar objects;
  • Damage the park’s plant and material assets;
  • Collect plant parts or reproductive materials from the vegetation, except with prior authorization from the administration;
  • Introduce exotic animals to the forest fauna, as well as keep or feed them;
  • Use barbecues, stoves, campfires, release balloons, fly kites, operate drones, set off fireworks and/or explosions, confetti or rolls of paper, or any other activities that may jeopardize the safety of park users, as well as its flora and fauna;
  • Produce or emit sounds that disturb the environment;
  • Use trees as support for posters, banners, power lines, swings, nets, and similar;
  • Climb trees due to the risks of user falls and/or species damage;
  • Plant or remove any species, except with prior authorization from the administration;
  • Perform personal or animal hygiene in human drinking fountains;
  • Engage in combustion-powered automodelism and aeromodelism, except with authorization from the administration;
  • Engage in pamphleteering or any type of material distribution without prior authorization from the administration;
  • Engage in any commercial activities without proper registration;
  • Engage in slacklining outside the designated area;
  • Block park roads, walking paths, cycling lanes, trails, and accesses;
  • Use restrooms for bathing or as dressing rooms;
  • Commercial use of park images without proper scheduling through the commercial area and payment of due fees;
  • Use of illicit substances and narcotics;
  • Political and/or religious demonstrations.


  • The asphalt paths closest to the park’s edges are considered cycle lanes, with preference for the flow of bicycles and similar vehicles in one direction;
  • Concrete, cement (including interlocking blocks), gravel, earth, or sand paths are intended for pedestrians and wheelchair users, as well as children with small bicycles equipped with additional training wheels or similar vehicles;
  • The lawns can be used for sports practices, provided that such activities do not pose risks or inconvenience to other users or cause damage to the lawns or other equipment, and do not interfere with areas rented for events or similar activities;
  • Only vehicles used by the administration for cleaning, equipment transport, or maintenance, private security vehicles, and emergency vehicles may occasionally circulate. The use of user vehicles, including electric vehicles, is prohibited;
  • Celebrations are allowed in all open areas and kiosks of the park, as long as they resemble picnics and do not hinder the flow of users. For this purpose, no physical structures such as tables, chairs, tents, etc., should be set up; no physical or visual demarcation of the area should be made; no ornaments should be tied to vegetation and/or park equipment, and balloons are prohibited on park premises;
  • Animal handlers must carry waste bags and are responsible for collecting and disposing of the animal’s excrement in appropriate trash bins.


  • Enter with domestic animals that are not on a short leash and wearing a collar. The animal’s guardian is responsible for collecting all excrement left by the animal;
  • Enter with legally ferocious dogs (“pit bull,” “rottweiler,” American Staffordshire terrier,” “mastino napolitano,” and others) without a leash, a short leash, a choke chain, and a muzzle, as required by Municipal Laws nº 10.309 of April 22, 1987, and nº 13.131 of May 18, 2001; State Law 11.531 of November 11, 2003, and State Decree nº 48.533 of March 9, 2004;
  • Use drinking fountains intended for human use to hydrate animals.